Our mission and vision is based on our core beliefs and where God has put us in this world to serve him—both in time and place. He does this so that we may each come to know him, and in knowing him tell others about him by word and lifestyle. This is just how Jesus did things; he called his disciples and then sent them out to tell others about him, in his power and by his authority—for it is God who speaks to each of our hearts to bring us to know him.

Situated as we are in the heart of Holywood’s main street, we firmly believe we have been placed there to reach out and be of service to our local community, so that others might hear, see and know of God’s great love for them. In words, actions and deeds, our continual desire is to be a family of God’s making, daily growing more and more like Jesus his Son, that others might see God’s love expressed in us and so come to believe in him.

Our MISSION STATEMENT is as follows: “We desire, through the Holy Spirit’s power and the proclamation of the gospel, to see unbelieving people come to saving faith, and so become faithful followers of the Lord Jesus within a loving church family”.